Sunday last week I had an interesting experience. Fans of the show will know that I have a tendency to either do something in overdrive, or not at all. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this applies to religion as well!
A good friend of mine, Olle Ideström, was recently anointed as a minister (not sure about the title, prästadjunkt in Swedish at any rate), and was giving mass for the very first time on his own. My mentor and friend, formerly my Swedish teacher, Ulf Lindgren, and I attended.
Now this was my first mass that wasn't a funeral or confirmation mass, so I didn't know what to expect. Psalms, sermon, holy communion, it was all new and strange to me. Even though I do not share with Christians the central tenet of their belief (JC being the son of God), I have great respect for their faith. (I did not partake in the communion, I instead opted for a blessing. Having an old classmate of mine blessing me was unusual, but did not feel weird in a bad way).
I walked out of the church in a state of blissful confusion. I have always felt spiritual and religious, though I've never in my heart of hearts devoted myself to any one religion nor committed to its practices. But on the way home I did pass the mosque, where I went inside and prayed. I felt more at ease and at home, if truth be told. Perhaps I am a muslim after all, despite all my previous reticence?