Monday, May 5, 2008

Review: Morgan Pålsson

"Hipp hipp" is the finest Swedish group of comedians. They hail from Skåne, south of Sweden, and originate from the same sort of university entertainment groups as Monty Python. Though not as good as the Pythons (who is or can ever hope to be?), they're in the Swedish elite - not that hard considering the competition ;)

As a film, "Morgan Pålsson" takes one of the sketch characters, a self-absorbed and completely incompetent journalist (Morgan Pålsson) and turns into a feature-length sketch. It's funny at times, but it's hard to make a collage of skits work as a movie, which is my main critique of the film. It worked, made me laugh more than a few times, but there were a few moments where you expect the joke from a mile off and had to wait till it got fresh again.

Grade: 3 stars

Better than: [insert Swedish comedy film here]

Not as good as: Hipp Hipp TV episodes (the "blind Nazi" sketch really had me crying/laughing)

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