As I write these words, our train is parked at the station in Gävle. The final destination for me is Örnsköldsvik (Övik for short), where I shall remain in self-imposed exile. The purpose is acquiring a small piece of pink plastic I have long coveted: the driver's license.
Ok, we just started rolling. Thanks to mobile broadband, I have the luxury of remaining connected to the Net by the means of with robust bandwidth - indispensible for me as I'll require internet access in the coming week. I can ill afford remaining long off the grid; part, because I'll need access to my work and regular email, and part because I need something to pass the long hours between driving lessons.
So, why Övik? As fans of the "Omar show" will know, I have twice in the past attempted to best the gruelling driving test required in Sweden to gain the license to no avail. I have finally
implemented a plan I've long harboured. Different locations in Sweden have different success rates for passing driver's exams irrespective of other factors. Örnsköldsvik has the highest success rates of passing driver's tests. Also, the opportunity to (relatively) cheaply drive a large amount of times in a limited time (17 hours in 1 week), the relative isolation from distractions and cheap accomodations all tipped in Övik's favour. And I am quite curious to see how life is lived in a small town in Norrland.
The snowcovered landscapes we're passing are farily typical of Sweden: snow-covered fields, dense forests of pines and spruces. Sunlight on snow is nearly blinding in its intensity in the stark northern landscapes. The Swedish winter was abysmally mild this year, but it seems that the easter holidays are making up for the snowfall by laying a thick white blanket.
I'm hoping the snow won't hamper my driving too much or increase the relative difficulty of the driving test. As Bob Marley would sing, "Time alone will tell". In the meantime, I will continue enjoying my trainride, munching on my coffee and sandwiches, looking out the window at the vast white expanses...
...and blog when that gets boring ;)