Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Great and Secret Traffic School Conspiracy

It has begun to dawn on me that while I may not be the best driver in the world I should have passed that last exam by most standards. I've begun considering whether there is a more sinsiter reason to me flunking out of the third exam... I give you my take on

The Great and Secret Traffic School Conspiracy

Money is the key issue here. By putting insanely high standards for passing exams, they make sure that all my money is being slowly bled dry, by the traffic schools and Vägverket. They've conspired to squeeze out every last precious krona out of the citizens. When push comes to shove (and I'm in the mood to shove), you are only encouraged to do the right thing when the surrounding society gives you reason to hope that doing the right thing is not a poetic struggle against all odds. I'll give it another go, but if I don't get the driver's license soon through the system, I'm gonna have to start considering how to go around it...

(You can of course choose to interpret this as the rambled denial of a self-deluded traffic hazard. But I'm right - whether you know it or not)

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